09.00-09.10 Welcome Speech
The Chairman of the AICIS Foundation, Göran Lindholm
AICIS – A New Actor in the Knowledge Economy of Åland
AICIS Director, Agneta Karlsson
The Baltic Archipelago of Innovation
Professor Per-Olof Berg, Stockholm University, Chairman of the AICIS
Scientific Board

10.10-10.30 Coffee Break and Networking

The Innovative Practices of Norwegian Regions
Professor Johan Olaisen, Norwegian School of Management, BI, Oslo
Radical Makeover of the Structure of HEI (Higher Education Institute)
Professor Janerik Gidlund, President of Örebro University
11.50-12.30 Merger Management and Strategic Communication in Private and Public Mergers
Professor Anne-Marie Søderberg, Copenhagen Business School

12.30-13.30 Lunch at the Arkipelag Restaurant

Panel Discussion 1
Coordinator Agneta Karlsson

13.50-14.30 “ISLANDS, SIZE, VOLCANOES. On the study of the physical settings of politics
Professor Emeritus Dag Anckar, Åbo Akademi University
Insularity, Other Geographical Characteristics and the Economic Performance of Small States and Autonomous Regions
Professor Harvey Armstrong, University of Sheffield, UK
Patterns in Diversity: Exploring Sub-National Island Jurisdictions and What Makes Them Tick
Professor Godfrey Baldacchino, University of Prince Edward Island, Canada

Panel Discussion 2
Coordinator Bjarne Lindström

16.10  End of Conference.