Centre for Shipping Economics and Innovation
The Centre for Shipping Economics and Innovation (CENSEI) is a collaborative and cross-disciplinary research unit, bridging six departments at Copenhagen Business School (CBS). It currently involves ten researchers studying individual aspects of the relationship between globalization and shipping industry dynamics. It is overall concerned with 1) the challenges and opportunities to the international shipping industry that follow from globalization and from changes in maritime laws and economic policies, and 2) the different positive or negative externalities of seaborne shipping.
CENSEI’s vision:
The centre strives to become an internationally distinguished research entity at CBS within the broadly defined areas of SHIPPING ECONOMICS and the ECONOMICS OF INNOVATION, the latter as applied to the maritime industries. It is our ambition with the centre to position CBS as an internationally leading research environment within the field of shipping economics and innovation, by creating and evaluating new social scientific and applied knowledge. This position should mirror the current position of Copenhagen as a world centre for shipping.
SHIPPING ECONOMICS refers broadly to economic and comparative-institutional analysis of the functioning and underlying mechanisms of shipping, and the maritime sector more broadly, as well as of the internal organization of the maritime firm. It thus includes (but is not limited to) the study of the industrial organization of shipping; the dynamics of shipping markets; the socio-economic principles of seaborne trade; the global division of labour in seaborne trade (including North-South economic development and political economy); maritime regulation and policy; the micro-economics of firm decision-making; as well as the strategy, structure and boundaries of the shipping firm. The ECONOMICS OF INNOVATION is a rather young field of academic research focusing on issues and problems related to innovation and replication of new products, processes, technologies and organizational forms.
The combination of the two academic areas allows for a deeper understanding of the organization and evolution of an industry, which is not only the main engine of trade and economic globalization, but also increasingly subject to external requirements and control in relation to the natural environment and to issues of safety and security at sea and ashore.
The services offered by CENSEI include (among others):
• Academic conferences, workshops and seminars
• Practitioner-focused conferences, workshops and seminars
• Articles published in first-rate general scientific journals and leading field journals
• Books and reports
• Access to Danish and international maritime research networks
• A dynamic Ph.D. research environment
• High-quality teaching within the areas covered by the centre
Current Research Projects:
• “Knowledge, entrepreneurship and organizational evolution in maritime clusters”
• “The sources of competitive advantage in the shipping industry “
• “Organizational responses to economic-institutional change in the shipping industry”
• “The emergence of new organizational forms in the shipping industry”
• “Patterns of decline in shipbuilding”
• “The internationalization of the marine equipment industry”
• “Economic and legal constraints to green shipping”
• “Building social performance capabilities in the shipping industry”
• “Talent management in global conglomerates”
Centre for Shipping Economics and Innovation
Kilevej 14A, 3rd floor
2000 Frederiksberg
Associate Professor, Centre Director Henrik Sornn-Friese
Phone: (+45) 3815 2932
Fax: (+45) 3815 2540
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AICIS - Åland International Institute of Comparative Island Studies
AICIS is an Åland based, international and independent, research institute which explores the economic and institutional aspects of insular entities - mainly from a comparative point of view. It operates, on a network basis, in close cooperation with other island institutes and academic institutions, as well as with a variety of economic and policy milieus, all over the world. AICIS can be described as a virtual and project based organisation with a permanent core located to Åland. It is an independent foundation, set up by a number of leading Ålandic companies: Åland Mutual, Alandia Corporations, Bank of Åland and Åland Investment Ltd. The core operations of AICIS are physically located to Statistics and Research Åland (ÅSUB), which also provides AICIS with the necessary facilities and IT-systems.
Objectives and overall strategies
AICIS aims at:
• supporting the development of innovative capacity and economic growth within and outside Åland. AICIS works, in this respect, as a qualified think tank that designs arenas for creative development and progress by coordinating a variety of competences and other resources.
• strengthening the brand of Åland in various international scientific, business and market contexts. Accordingly, AICIS will arrange international conferences and workshops and distribute scientific reports and other products among international interest groups. AICIS will also take part in international projects, as a member of several international networks, and will also be involved in marketing the brand of Åland in different contexts.
The added value of AICIS
AICIS operates to the benefit of the business community and the Åland society at large, as well as to the benefit of other insular clients. Consequently, AICIS offers tailor-made projects and other services to Åland as well as to foreign business and policy milieus. Furthermore, the institute initiates international research projects, mainly with a comparative focus. The economic, institutional and cultural specificities of insular settings will be explored, analysed and discussed by systematic comparisons. The institute will be a key contributor to the international debate on the characteristics of island economies.
Research operations
The research of AICIS will focus on small-scale, insular, economies and their institutional settings. Autonomous insular regions, like Åland, represent a category of insular entities which are given specific attention, but the work of AICIS is not reduced to this category only. The comparative studies that the institute plans to undertake, include islands with divergent institutional arrangements, from independent states to ordinary island regions. AICIS takes a multi-disciplinary approach to the study of islands and is influenced by a number of research traditions within political science, geography, economics, economic sociology, social-psychology, cultural anthropology and ethnology. Thus, the institute works with a broad definition of methodology and adopts various – qualitative and quantitative - research methods in carrying out the individual projects.
The projects that AICIS designs and carries out originate both from articulated needs and preferences of the business community of Åland and from its Scientific Advisory Committee. The institute will offer its clients and stakeholders a balanced portfolio of products and services.
The services/products that AICIS offers are, among others:
- workshops, seminars and courses on specific themes
- an annual conference
- scientific reports and articles
- a newsletter
AICIS, Ålandsvägen 26, AX-22 100 MARIEHAMN
Phone: +358-18-25580, E-mail:
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The Maritime Development Centre of Europe
The Maritime Development Centre of Europe (MDCE) represents the Danish Maritime Cluster together with the Association for Promotion of Danish Shipping and the Danish Society for Naval Architecture and Marine Engineering.
MDCE today is a dynamic and future-oriented member association with active use of the association there are good possibilities of innovation and development. 140 company members represent the broad maritime industry, shipping, organisations, unions, ports, universities, institutions, producers, service providers, government bodies, maritime media, etc.
MDCE’s vision:
To defend, develop and extend EMUC’s position as a representative of the broad maritime industry, Maritime Cluster Denmark and Short Sea Promotion Denmark.
MDCE’s Mission:
To be a networking association based on knowledge and information sharing for the broad maritime industry and thereby secure added value to our members.
The strategy for EMUC is overall member oriented with following activities:
• Internal maritime networks for members
• Maritime meetings, events, seminars, conferences
• Dialog, matchmaking, knowledge and information sharing within new business opportunities and maritime innovation.
• Maritime projects which EMUC is the driver, facilitator or manager of
• Maritime entrepreneur projects with support of EMUC’s Mentor Network
• Maritime film and television productions, where EMUC members are facilitators/advisors
• short sea promotion in co-operation with other means of transport within member base
• Supporting maritime research and innovation
• National and international marketing of members
• Member of the EU network ESN (European Shortsea Network)
• Member of ENMC (European Network of Maritime Cluster).
• Member service and member benefits: Dealing with core member areas, problems and projects of common interest for our members.
MDCE participates in EU maritime / transport project where and when it is of the interest of the members and Denmark.
MDCE support Danish Quality Shipping and Danish Maritime Cluster – an Agenda for Growth.
If you want to contact the Danish Maritime Cluster, please give Steen Sabinsky an email
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or phone +45 3333 7488 and fax +45 3332 7938 www.emuc.dk
The Danish Shipowners' Association
The Danish Shipowners' Association was established in 1884 and represents Denmark's shipping industry. It is an employer organization which concludes wage agreements with the seamen's unions and handles all matters concerning employment, safety and training within the shipping and offshore industry.
Further, the Association is a trade organization representing Danish shipowners when dealing with the Danish Government, Parliament and other authorities, as well as with the media. The Association is active internationally, both as an adviser to government delegations in several OECD and United Nations bodies and as a member of various international shipowners' organizations.
The Danish Shipowners' Association is also permanently represented in Brussels through its own office. Recently, the administration of the two Danish organizations for short sea shipping and ferry services has been incorporated into the Association.
Danmarks Rederiforening, Amaliegade 33, DK-1256 København K
Phone: +45 33 11 40 88, Fax:+45 33 11 62 10, E-mail:
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