Leif Nordlund, President, Alandia Corporations (Founder)

AICIS - Leif

Building bridges one partner at a time, to mutual benefit.

Feedback about AICIS has been positive and the general consensus is that AICIS is doing important work, which can help imprint Åland even clearer on the map and further distinguish and market the “Åland brand”.

An important part of Åland’s success and indeed its long-term ‘survival strategy’ lies in its ability to establish mutually beneficial partnerships and networks. Through its work, AICIS builds and maintains these bridges, thereby contributing to a successful economy and business life. Ultimately, the society prospers and our external partners also benefit from this prosperity.

Åland’s visibility and status within the global marketplace are also enhanced, each time AICIS participates in another international project and forms new connections and alliances.